Ashley Jones in Jordan

So it turns out that being an adult is mostly just googling how to do stuff. Who can relate? 🤣

Honestly, sometimes I feel like a big kid trapped in an adults body and sometimes I really wonder how I’ve made it this far in life 🫠

Over the past several months I’ve been mentally struggling trying to juggle it all. Sometimes I wonder, “I’m really running a whole ass business. WTF AM I DOING?! IS THIS REAL LIFE?!” 🤯

I was constantly beating myself up and focusing on all the things I needed to do & that I should be doing MORE. I would rarely take moments to pause and see just how far I’ve come!

If you feel like you don’t have it all figured out yet, you’re not alone! You’ll probably never have it “all figured out.” We’re all just people spinning on the same ball of confusion and trying to make it through this thing called life.

This is a reminder to: SLOW DOWN – YOU’RE DOING YOUR BEST! Give yourself grace, don’t take life too seriously, practice gratitude daily and be unapologetically you ALWAYS!

xoxo Ash 🤍