✨ 2017 vs. 2022 Glow Up ✨

✨ 2017 vs. 2022 Glow Up ✨

In 2017 I was depressed, felt like I had no purpose and was stuck in the rat race of life. I was a travel nurse working 60 hour weeks almost every single week. Although I was making great money, I wasn’t happy or free. I worked overtime, had to answer to a...
Stop dimming your light

Stop dimming your light

✨STOP DIMMING YOUR LIGHT✨Don’t you dare shrink yourself for someone else’s comfort. Do not become small for people who refuse to grow. That is NOT your problem. As you improve yourself, you will outgrow your environment and even some people in your life. I’ve had to...
Comfort zone = Danger zone

Comfort zone = Danger zone

⛔️ Comfort zone = Danger zone ⛔️ Comfort zones are where you play it safe. They are where you stifle your potential and keep yourself small. They are the place where goals and dreams go to die You’re never going to be 100% ready and it’s never going to feel like the...