Last week I celebrated another trip around the sun! 🥳 This past year has been unusually frustrating and stressful for the most of us; but it’s also been incredibly amazing and liberating at the same time. I’ve learned so much about myself and grown exponentially in such a short amount of time
I’ve learned that I am very capable, adaptable and resilient. I’ve come to really, really enjoy and appreciate my time alone and just hanging out with myself. I’ve learned to persevere through difficult times instead of running away when things get uncomfortable and scary. I’ve protected my energy and chosen my inner circle wisely – I’ve never been happier!
We can all pick out good things and bad things that happen over the course of a year. I encourage you to reminisce on all of the good things with an attitude of gratitude. Focus on the good, protect your energy, and intentionally work on being your best self and you will be amazed at what a difference even a few months can make!💃
Focus on the GOOD 👉🏼 Think back on the last year and share some positive things that stick out to YOU!😊