Life With Ashley Jones - Group Travel Trip To Egypt

THANK GOD I didn’t listen to all those people telling me to “abort mission” when I began the journey outside of my comfort zone.

Recently I watched a motivational speech by one of my favorite celebrities, Steve Harvey. His message could not be more true. He said – “The quickest way to kill your dreams is to share them with a small minded person. They can’t see or understand your vision because God didn’t give them the vision. He gave it to YOU.”

Be intentional about who you share your goals and dreams with. Just because someone else thinks it’s impossible, doesn’t mean that is. They think it’s impossible for them, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible for YOU.

Take the risks. Book the trip. Hire that mentor. Invest in that course. DO YOU!

Stop keeping yourself small for the comfort of others. You deserve to live a BIG life and you are more capable than you could ever imagine!

No more playing small in 2023! Cheers to living your biggest & brightest life – you never know where it will take you!