Don’t you ever stop chasing that dream babyyy!! ⚡️
It has been a whopping THREE YEARS since I started my “little business.” I cannot believe how fast time has flown and how much I have changed!
My business is growing. I’m growing and learning. And let me tell ya, growth doesn’t always feel very good. They don’t call it “growing pains” for nothing – it’s hella messy and uncomfortable! During these times, you might feel like you are quite literally breaking apart. But remember this babe, you are being primed and prepared to be put back together stronger and more powerful than ever before!
Just a few years ago, I was in such a dark place. I felt invisible. I felt stuck. And I felt like I had no purpose in life. I had to hit rock bottom to snap myself out of it and make the BIG changes that ended up transforming my entire life. I was being tested and now it’s part of my testimony.
Because of my tests, my growth and my transformation, I am now helping other women step out of their comfort zones, travel the world and build businesses. It has been an amazing journey and I wouldn’t change a thing because it brought me to where I am now.
There is beauty in the breaking. You can rise up from ANYTHING. You are more than capable of BEING & DOING whatever your heart desires.
If you’re feeling stuck and feeling like your soul is calling you to change course – ANSWER THAT CALL.