Life With Ashley Jones Travel To Iceland

I get asked this question a lot👇🏼

“I’m unhappy with my situation and I want to live a live of freedom too. How did you do it?”

The answer is simple: I took ACTION

Even though I didn’t really believe in myself yet, I was terrified and I had NO IDEA what I was doing – I still took the action. I knew that the feeling of being STUCK for the rest of my life was far more scarier than stepping out of my comfort zone

No one is coming to save you. No one is going to do the work for you. Nothing is going to magically happen just because you made a wish when the clock hit 11:11. It is up to YOU to make the decision to stop settling and go after the life you desire

You can wish, hope, and dream all day long but nothing is going to change without taking action. It doesn’t matter if the action is small or if it’s imperfect; a step forward is a step forward at the end of the day.

Now, what are you waiting for? The time to be right? For the stars to align? For everything to be perfect first? Until you feel ready?🤔

Girl. Stop making excuses and just FOR IT!