Life With Ashley Jones Travel To Iceland


Don’t you dare shrink yourself for someone else’s comfort. Do not become small for people who refuse to grow. That is NOT your problem. As you improve yourself, you will outgrow your environment and even some people in your life. I’ve had to let go of some friends & relationships because of this very reason

You were put on this earth to be seen, to be loved and to be heard. We all have ONE life and if you think I’m gonna sit back and play small because it may make my friends, family, or the internet trolls feel uncomfortable – then you are sadly mistaken

Follow your dreams by any means necessary! Is it scary? HECK YES. But you know what’s scarier? Looking back in 20 years with regret for not doing the things you dreamed of because you felt scared of failure, people’s opinions and change

Desires and dreams are planted in our hearts for a purpose, so don’t ignore them. Bravely and boldly chase them! You have what it takes, sister💕