Life With Ashley Jones Travel To Iceland

But darling, we weren’t given this wild soul just to merely exist. Our mission is to shake up the world, turn it upside down and show our fellow humans the difference between breathing and being fully alive✨

Before I found my love of travel, I felt like I was just going through the motions of life. Work👩🏻‍⚕️Pay bills💸Sleep😴Repeat🔄 I knew there had to be more to life than the little box in which I lived in North Carolina. Sure, I had been on vacations in other countries before, but they were spent lounging by the pool seeing how much I could eat and drink at an all inclusive resort. It wasn’t until I really began to immerse myself in the culture, food, dress and way of life, that I really fell in love with traveling. Traveling is my passion. It is what gives me joy and separates me from merely existing and feeling fully A L I V E💫💓