Ashley Jones in Turkey

Babe! You only get one shot at this life and none of us make it out alive anyways. Stop playing it safe and going through life on autopilot. It’s time to sprint towards your wildest dreams and go ALL IN.

Just a little over 3 years ago, I was going through one of those “dark night of the soul” periods of my life. I was newly single after a 2 year relationship fell apart. Which is just extra awesome for a woman approaching her 32nd birthday. Really COOL. I hated my job as a travel nurse. Although the money was good, I felt like all I did was work and drive. I worked overtime weekly, trained new staff and took some of the most difficult assignments and my hard work was rarely acknowledged. I felt like I had lost my spark and I was just so unhappy with everything in my life.

I knew I had to take some major action to get out of my funk. I started sprinting towards my wildest dream and I began building my very own business. Three years later I’m proud to say that I’m still standing strong! (Even through a pandemic that shut down travel for a year!!) I look back and I’m like “WOW- How did I even do that?!”

When you go ALL IN, you’ll find that you are capable of so much more than you could even imagine. You’ll ride the waves of the great times and you’ll power through the hard times. Then you’ll have these beautiful moments where you look back and see how much you’ve accomplished and how magical you actually are. The magic is already within you! ✨