Life With Ashley Jones - Group Travel Trip To Egypt

In 2017 I was depressed, felt like I had no purpose and was stuck in the rat race of life. I was a travel nurse working 60 hour weeks almost every single week. Although I was making great money, I wasn’t happy or free. I worked overtime, had to answer to a micromanaging boss and continued to trade my time for money….that was until I discovered all the possibilities and opportunities that were waiting for me just outside my comfort zone 🤩

Fast forward 5 years to 2022 – I own a multi-six figure travel business where I get paid to travel the world with my Travel Girl Gang! I’m the creator of my own reality and now have true time, location and financial freedom🙌🏼 I’m currently living a life that I only thought existed in my dreams!

You don’t have to trudge back and forth to a job you hate. You don’t have to spend the rest of your life working just to pay bills. You don’t have to only get one approved vacation a year. You CAN be the designer of your own life and create your own reality

This is your reminder that you are capable of pretty much ANYTHING that you are willing to work for and that you could literally change your life today

Fear is one of the main factors that keeps people from following their dreams and desires – fear of failure, fear of change, fear of other’s opinions and the list goes on. You know what? BUMP THAT. You get ONE life and life is too short to wonder what could have been

My program, The Travel Boss Bible, gives you the full scoop on how you can travel the world (or domestically if you prefer!) with new friends and turn that into a sustainable income, even if you have little to no social media followers!

Are you ready to lock arms and let me show you the ropes? You’re one decision away from becoming your own travel CEO and one step closer to a life of freedom!